Thoughts on the overreaction and hate on us in our r/soccer and other forms of media?

First and foremost, who cares? It's just internet banter. It is the faceless and unintelligent masses coming out to do and say stupid shit as a collective. While I experience hate outside of r/soccer, it is not nearly as bad. In real life, more people are open to just enjoying a match together and having an actual conversation. That is the worst part of r/soccer. It is just shit talking with no real discussion.

There is a whole other side to this though. I can understand hatred if you were born in the town your team is from and have watched them for your entire life or have a deep seeded personal history (keyword HATRED). Regardless, I understand and respect the idea of a rivalry. That said, disking a team is one thing (I really don't like Spurs), but the non-stop, anti-intellectual, dog shit that comes out of these peoples mouths/keyboards is a tell tale sign that a vast, vast, vast majority of them are a. new fans of the sport b. have absolutely no idea what in the fuck they are talking about and c. can't form their own opinions.

I will admit, when I started really following the game over 10 years ago (side note - I have played for over 20 years), I acted a bit like that (though not nearly as much), but I have since really stopped caring and just started appreciating both good football and a well run organization. These people have not watched enough, and thus think their club is the Jesus of football. It's a total pot kettle black situation. Like someone else mentioned - Bayern fans complaining about crowding the ref, united fans saying our coach has too much influence, la liga fans complaining about diving. Hell I even had an Arsenal fan make a big stink of the racism issue on Facebook, yet he failed to remember that racism charge against one of their fans in 2012.

Not every single fan of another team, or everyone in r/soccer acts this way. However, the masses are completely fucking stupid. I stopped caring. You should too.

/r/chelseafc Thread