fight me

Yeah. The bad thing is as I go down each game gets more retarded, so I think I'll manage to plateau around 1k or something where I can reliably stomp over the entire enemy team before I can help my team actually win. The hero is so stupid to play in 2k, where the space you create almost doesn't matter since people don't know how to cs or rotate, or push, so since ench is not a strong initiator it leaves you up to your teams capability to seal the deal. Like last saturday I went 6-0 by minute 12 and tried to fast tower against a team of carries, but our axe somehow managed to fuck it up and didn't have blink by minute 20. We didn't even get into a teamfight or a gank against a team of carries. Nevertheless their morph got his shotgun together and started sniping me by min 30 and the game ended shortly afterwards. I guess I'll learn and spam mirana next, since she has a very decent farming tool in her aghs and the ult is good enough for 2k players to not act like headless chickens for 12 seconds.

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