[Demo] LuX | ESEA C (11rws) | need help with positioning


Firstly I would just like to say how immensely grateful I am and suprised that you took 1 hour 13 minutes out of your own time to help me improve. This game is a massive passion for me (probably a little too much admittedly !) and has made my week that you have done this.

Secondly, this was a real eye opener for me. The fact that you said my "aim is good" shocked me as I was of the opposite mindset for a long time. I haven't really watched back my demos as the times I did I found it not useful because I ended up at the conclusion "well if I had aimed better I would have won". I realize now that my overaggressive CT play plays a large part in this, and my aim should not be the primary focus.

The "teammate in line of site" rule is one I will be using; it makes sense and will help me a lot. Paying closer attention to the minimap also is something I need to do. Will be getting that use key bind.

Spray control is something I can just practice and get good at, so I will be doing that.

B smokes helped me, I didn't know them, kept meaning to learn them, forgot, etc, etc. but now I know them

Writing things down such as reasons for deaths and recent T side plays makes sense as well; I'm never close to being the most vocal person on the team (partly due to how my voice sounds being younger than most - was relieved when you put voice_enable 1 lol) but I will try to improve on this.

Overall, I am very thankful for this. I will be watching it through many more times I'm sure and noting down the points but it is late in the UK so that's a job for another time. It's a good feeling knowing what I need to improve on other than just DMing a ton.

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