Thoughts on this video? Is it normal in Iran or is it lacking context?

You don't give a shit that's alright but Muslim citizens in France and other European countries(Since you assume that every single Muslim are from middle east) are been oppressed by their secularism and democracy. So do you atleast come of your western worshipping mode and think that them demanding change in the form of governance can lead to them getting arrested and jailed the same type of thing you are demanding in muslim countries becomes alright. You can simply shift to any secular country just like Muslims are being told to shift to Islamic countries but there's none at the moment since many are destroyed thanks to your secular masters and yet majority of immigrants in Qatar Kuwait are Muslims so your point remain invalid that they shift only to Europe. Why secularization..? Isn't this western worshipping when you want to adapt their laws.. African nations tried and even south american nations tried but still they remain undeveloped and getting their resources stolen..If you really the European countries that you worship so much was just because of a form of governance and not centuries of colonisation imperlism and stealing of resources then study about it. Egypt is secular Syria was secular and even India Sri Lanka and Nepal are secular why aren't they developed..? But China is developed without secularism Think about it is it form of governance or right leaders without curruption..?

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