TikTok pushes potentially harmful content to users as often as every 39 seconds, study says

I never thought I'd be defending TikTok here, seeing as I absolutely despised it and wouldn't touch it prior to earlier this year 2022. But here I am.

TikTok pushes exactly what content you WANT to see. My algorithm is all ChatGPT, DIY, video games, technology, and politically anything that's NOT right-wing propaganda.

You don't even have to like or dislike videos. It changes the algorithm based on how long you watch things. Look very closely at who is creating a huge fuss about TikTok right now. If you actually care enough to look you will understand that this has nothing to do with privacy or harmful content. It has everything to do with who wants it banned and their agenda. This is simply a political campaign to influence voters.

/r/technology Thread Link - cbsnews.com