TIL Adolf Hitler's mother, Klara Hitler, died from breast cancer in 1909. In 1940 Adolf showed gratitude to their family doctor Eduard Bloch (who was Jewish) for treating his mother by allowing him to emigrate with his wife to the United States from Austria.

Because I don't honestly think they hate people based on race or if they are Jewish or not. I don't believe they are actually racist, just ignorant. They just hate what they think that group of people act like, and they just happen to think that the majority act a certain way. So when they meet someone who doesn't act like that, they simple say "Well not you, because you don't act like that, but the rest."

For example, you see a bunch of idiots rioting and looting, they just happen to be black. The media shows them constantly. People are talking about it constantly. Then you see another riot where a bunch of idiots are looting and they happen to be black. And you continue to see this for lets say a period of a couple of years. Now, we know that clearly NOT all black people are like this, but from a person who lives in a mostly white city.. they start to think that all black people are like this. So it's not always that they hate the skin color, but they are like "black people act like idiots, I hate them now". But then they meet a black person who doesn't act like an idiot (the majority don't).. and they are like "Okay well you don't act like an idiot, I like you. The rest are still idiots" because in their minds all they see are things like rioting, looting ect. It's just ignorance.

I don't think this is actual racism, because it can easily be dealt with, with opening up their echo chamber basically. I just think it's ignorance. I mean you can call it racism and what not, but I don't think these types of people really hate the person because of the skin, just hate what is portrayed to them by the media ect.

Real racists, will hate any black person at all, no matter what. Or real anti-Semitics will hate any Jew no matter what. Sure there is a large amount of them that are ignorant in this category, but they legit just hate the person based on skin color. Some of them aren't ignorant just hateful fucking people.

This is just my perspective.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - simple.wikipedia.org