TIL the baby boomer generation was labelled the 'Me Generation' in the 70s and was described as a 'culture of narcissism' by writers and journalists at the time.

I want to apologize for us Millennial's as well. We kept ourselves dumb and blinded; we all quite literally had access to an information super highway, I spent like 80% of the time figuring out how to download music illegally and watching porn. We should have taken this shit over a while ago and steered this ship back in the right direction. While we may have learned behaviors from our boomer parents. We ignored all of the signs that this ship was being steered into a fucking iceberg.

I am so proud of this new generation of voters for standing up for what they believe in. Staging sit-ins in high school. Getting involved politically. Making their voices heard that they want to be part of change.

I am one of those millennial. My attitude is similar to 90's music. Shit is gloomy and fuck it. Nothing is going to change. The 90s was just a time to prepare us for the populist movement's we are seeing today. We need to embrace ourselves, our generation because we are already being passed over fyi.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - en.wikipedia.org