TIL the first time Mike Trout won MVP, he led the league in strikeouts. The next time, he led in walks

I don't doubt that Trout is one of the best right now. I think what is surprising to me is that the consensus best player in baseball really isn't as good as the consensus best player of other eras. He isn't even comparable to guys before steroids in a lot of ways. My point is that baseball as a whole must be down if he can't even put up 1000 ops and plenty of other guys can and have, regardless of era or park.

Sometimes you automatically assume the best player right now makes you one of the best ever. But sometimes you also have to ask if the league as a whole is just a weak generation.

And I think it is. Fuck strikeouts. Fuck walking. Baseball is weak right now and Mike Trout is the best player in a weak league. And a league that isn't filled with HOF talent pitching.

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