TIL that if you choose not to help Cicero when you meet him outside of Whiterun, he doesn't like you very much when you join the Dark Brotherhood...

When you meet him a second time, and ask him if he was the man with a broken wheel there are three things he can say:

  • If you helped him with his problem:

"I am! I am! But not just my mother. Our mother, hmm? The Night Mother! Oh yes! And you helped me! You helped poor Cicero! You talked to Loreius, got him to fix my wheel! Oh, you may have pleased me, but you have surely pleased the Night Mother. And our mother, she will never forget."

  • If you didn't get involved:

"I am! I am! But not just my mother. Our mother, hmm? The Night Mother! Oh yes! But you disappeared! You were there... then you weren't! Did you mean to help poor Cicero or not? I'm left to wonder... Ah, it doesn't matter. What's done is done, right? Cicero is here! As is the Night Mother! Joy of joys!"

  • If you got him arrested:

"I am! I am! But not just my mother. Our mother, hmm? The Night Mother! Oh yes! Oh, but you didn't help poor Cicero! You helped that stupid farmer! Stupid Loreius! Oh, the guard said cruel things about us. Untrue things..."

If he says the last sentence you can only reply with "But I...", then he will respond with another three options depending on what you told the guard:

  • "He said I attacked someone! On the road! But it never happened. Never. Sweet mother and I were just waiting. My knife was sheathed!"

  • "He said I was transporting weapons! For the war! In mother's coffin! He made me... open it! Indignity! Sacrilege!"

  • "He said I stole something! Me! Poor Cicero. A common thief. The very thought is insulting. One might even say... maddening."

Lastly he will threaten you:

"Someone lied. Someone told the guard poor Cicero did something he did not. We were detained, delayed! The Night Mother kept from her new home! But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you? Hmmm? No. No... Of course not. Because then Cicero would get angry, and that would be... ugly. Now Loreius. Loreius has learned the meaning of ugly."

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