TIL Romans used Geese as guard animals due to their very aggressive nature and large numbers. They were so effective Romans considered them sacred

Canada lite, perfect. My family is one of the ones that ended up split between American and Canadian just cause of where the powers that be decided the border was between Saskatchewan and North Dakota way back when.

Oh yea, ever since I found out why an even split of male to female ducks ends up with all the females dead I’ve never liked ducks either.

Haha thanks, but ya know I’d not trade my upbringing for anything. Even though 40 something years later I still remember Big Al wit a burning hatred, it’s still a good story.

A story that most of my city raised friends and coworkers (I’m a software engineer, largely because of not wanting to work on a farm my whole life lol) either don’t believe or immediately get on me about “abuse.” Have been pleasantly surprised that some redditors actually get it.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org