TIL: SATO Scumbags Forbid you from renting Your Apt in an AirBnB/Hotel like fashion, but THEY Can and Do

I mostly agree with you. Finland is a country that is totally ill equipped to deal with maintaining a fair environment for people to live in shared housing. This goes for pretty much any kind of shared living quarters or apartment block housing scenario. I've seen a lot of complaints on here and on the Finland Forums about horrible neighbors and most of the time the only real 'advice' anyone can give the victim is "move". Which seems ridiculous. There isn't enough protection for each person's peace and quiet which I find really odd given that it's such a given that you're not supposed to invade one's privacy or disturb them in person. I would have thought a person's home was meant to be sacred here.

I won't comment on the rest because it's off-topic but yea, in short I'm disappointed :( and we're definitely going to move.

/r/Finland Thread Parent