AITA for making my children do sports with no excuses?

This has to be a troll because I can't imagine anyone running their kids ragged over such a vicious abundance of physical activity and afford it comfortably, as well as have the time for it.

In the event this isn't, well I hope you don't mind their grades slipping and then becoming resentful to the point of absolute refusal to play, when they get older. They'll be, understandably, too tired to do homework and only have an hour to do all their homework before they need to sleep. (Which they will need 8 to 9 hours of as they go through puberty.)

Why not ask them to pick one they like that they can focus in and get good at, and stop being an asshole. Also, I assume you're a man, because physical activity CAN help period cramps but it doesn't ALWAYS and anyone who's had a menstrual cycle knows that.

YTA, either for pushing your kids too hard or trolling.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread