Tim Heidecker on Comedian Assaults

"Fear for your lives" is a bit of a stretch... I agree smith was horribly wrong on just about every level of professionalism and morals, but come on. If someone was willing to kill a comedian for a joke, they certainly weren't enabled by a slippery slope of this slap.

The slap just sets a stupid precedent and further eludes to the degradation of hypocrisy from the hollywood liberals. If he wanted to make a statement(albeit hypocritical one considering his previous joke about a bald guy) he could have A) left the show in protest, B) said something during his speech, or C) tweeted about it in condemnation. Instead, were talking about the hypocrisy of all the celebs there, freedom of speech/expression, wealthy privilege, cuckold, and the watering down of the definition of "white supremacy" as morons try to yet again make this about white people.

/r/JoeRogan Thread Link - i.imgur.com