time Lapse of every nuclear explosion throughout history (2:32) - (1995)

yes there is still somewhat of a grudge, though nothing major and the negative sentiment will probably die out with the older generations

people take offence not so much to the fact that it happened but that france was entirely unrepentant (at least prior to international pressure to make reparation) and basically refused to allow their agents to be punished under threat of economic sanction

Prieur and Mafart pleaded guilty to manslaughter and were sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment on 22 November 1985. France threatened an economic embargo of New Zealand's exports to the European Economic Community if the pair were not released.[9] Such an action would have crippled the New Zealand economy, which was dependent on agricultural exports to the United Kingdom

as you can see from some of the replies the french still aren't sorry about it. nobody here considers it a disaster on par with 9/11 or anything like that we mostly just don't like the disrespectful way it was handled - just shut up and admit it was a dick move

regarding whether it was an act of terrorism -

France initially denied any involvement, and even joined in condemnation of it as a terrorist act.

admittedly my only source is wikipedia because i don't care enough to search for something better

france was not just any foreign country but an ally we fought beside in both world wars. some of our worst losses were taken defending french soil and new zealanders like nancy wake played a significant role in the underground french resistance

tldr; we thought we were homies and we had their back but then they took a shit in our yard, blamed the dog and refused to clean it up when we showed them the cctv footage

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