When I heard Reddit now classifies Wikileaks as spam

I don't care for either candidate but to clear the record I absolutely dislike Trump more than Clinton mainly due to a small but vocal portion of his supporters and Trump's willingness to absorb their message and regurgitate it into his policies.

If Trump wins it will not be the end of the world. Neither so with Clinton. Either side wins it will be another 4 years of very little change. There's not much the POTUS can actually do without backing from the other branches. He has ostracized himself from most of the power players in the republican party. I don't think they're necessarily going to support everything he says he wants to do.

As for Clinton. I'm not an avid political spectator but I believe it's forecast that republicans will retain their control in congress and elsewhere from the snippets I've seen. She will be met with heavy opposition on everything she does.

Supporters on all points of the political spectrum this election season have bought into this the world will end if x candidate wins. No... it will not. He and his supporters can call it a revolution all they want but should he win however I assure it will be business as usual in the government and American society.

/r/AdviceAnimals Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it