Tip for getting better matches when SoloQing

I got 3775 by being good but also gaming whatever advantage I had. Because face it, competitive is being competitive and you take every chance within the rules of the game to get it.

That's basically like saying, as long as there's some kind of medication available that will make me perform better and get me an advantage over other competitors I will use them, simply because it's a competitive and I want to have any advantage that could be available.

I have no idea why you are trying to make it look like my rank would have any saying on how valid my claim is.

I sit on mid diamond and I am one of the players that does play for the team, not the personal advantage and I am not complaining about the my rank in any way, I am not grumpy, not pissy.

I have no idea why you are so passive aggressive and try to make me look like a grumpy silver rank, maybe it would serve your point but still, even if I would sit on silver, your attitude wouldn't be any more legit and your point wouldn't be any more valid.

Maybe I just am too old and belong to a generation where competition also was about sportsmanship and not trying to fuck over everyone on your way to glorious, yet meaningless, internet points.

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