Tldr, some guy made a subreddit based on me. He then proceeded to be the first poster, posting a picture of a """post""" that i supposedly made. More in comments.

So, i made a post in r/eggsinc asking for suggestions for free mobile time wasting games.

the man here commented with your classic dick joke wordplay

For this part, you can check my response history to him.

He responded with the garglinon nutzzz funny gimmick anyway

You may read my response history to this.

He made a subreddit "specifically for me". Reason i put this in woutation marks is he made it for himself. The first post on r/lethalfurball consisted of him posting a picture of a post i supposedly made in r/minecraft depicting me doing my business. go ahead, check my post history.

Another guy came in to spout more nonsense.

The first guy left one last message, deleted all of his comments, and banned me from the subreddit. Let me say i'm not mad about this, and i saw it coming the second i heard that he made a subreddit around me. For more proof, check my post history and comment history. Gobright on ahead. I probably said some stupid stuff, but go find what i posted. The deleted post was after some quick thinking and flawed conclusions.

/r/facepalm Thread Link -