I told you about the jade bot UV errors

As a game dev, you’re making a way bigger deal out of this than it is. There’s no “clicking” anything in a 3D software that would do this. It’s not a UV error - if it were, the diffuse/spec/gloss maps would also be misaligned. It’s a simple UV coordinate issue caused by having either an incorrect scale or translation feeding into the UV coordinates of that specific emission texture.

This will be fixed by the time it launches. Really not a big deal - it feels more like you’ve learned just enough about 3D to feel like you can spot these things and get excited about it, but these issues happen all the time in game dev, and many of them even ship on otherwise polished AAA titles. Report the bug via the in-game reporting feature if it makes it to launch.

/r/Guildwars2 Thread Link - i.redd.it