I told a girl she should squat and she flipped out

I recognize your username from when you adamantly argued with my approach to Game in the comments section of one of my posts. To freshen your memory the post was called "Thanks to the rise in commitment whores, 'We're not gonna have sex' now means TWO different things." I remember your comments there were all downvoted into oblivion, whereas I earned EC status that very same day.

That said, you are making the same exact mistakes now as you did a couple of months ago in those comments. Maybe try to listen this time so you can learn something.

I don't know about this perspective. If she really found him attractive why didn't she submit to his frame?

I think her texts are beta shaming.

Once again you've overlooked the most important details. Girl is an HB 8+ (i.e. has more self respect than most girls because she gets more attention). OP has been fucking her for ~3 months. HB 8's don't have beta fuck buddies, at least not on this planet.

While the apology avoids burning bridges it does submit to her frame and kills attraction.

Same mistake you made with how you viewed my post a couple months ago. The attraction has already been established. HB 8 has fucked OP for 3 months. She's still texting him and making plans to fuck him again. "Kill her attraction?" Who are you trying to kid?

This chick is so attracted to OP that she's throwing bitch fits because the way he commented her ass in the picture she sent him wasn't the reply she had hoped for (which was probably something like this: "OMG you're gorgeous! What do I need to do to see you again :)").

That's why she's frustrated. Maybe you would know if you had more experience with these types of girls, instead of going onto TRP and pretending like you do. This is exactly the type of shit Roosh called us out for, stop being part of the problem and start being part of the fucking solution.

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