Tons of new info on Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric development found

Wow, SEGA honestly have no idea what they're doing. I truly believe SEGA are 100% to blame here, especially after reading that.

You can't blame Nintendo for making a business deal. Yes even though the Wii U was weaker compared to the originally targeted platform/s, it was SEGA's decision to make this one of the Sonic exclusives for Nintendo and then put BRB under the pump and get it done it such a short timeframe. No one in the right mind would have asked for a rushed mess like Sonic Boom ended up being.

And you sure as hell can't blame Big Red Button. The time strain, the different platform and game engine and what I think played a big part, the restrictive development control and changes, resulting in the steaming pile of rubbish that it is. It was handled so poorly, that even if it did come out on the originally targeted platform/s, I don't think it would have turned out much better. It's a shame, the original idea sounds interestingly good.

I really wish SEGA and all its IPs would just get brought up by Nintendo. I'm not saying they're perfect, look at Star Fox Zero, but I truly believe they'd do SEGA's IPs more justice than any other developer, especially Sonic. They're not afraid to let other devs have ago at their IPs, look at Mario+Rabbids (something with a name like that shouldn't look as good as it does), and unlike SEGA, they always willing to give time and actually help out when devs are struggling, whether it's getting a game to work on their platforms or on the game itself.

Then you got the fact that SEGA intend to judge where the Sonic franchise goes with fan dev made Sonic Mania, rather than their own studio made Sonic Forces, which I've heard not many good things said about it and not console specific, but the whole game in general.

Yup, SEGA never change.

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