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Tower of Fantasy New Event Currency is FGO's Saint Quartz reskinned.

Tower of Fantasy New Event Currency is FGO's Saint Quartz reskinned.

You had me up until you mentioned the music. that's such a low hanging fruit that can be applied to any music (pick a key, use a ii-V-I chord progressions or some variation of it, major key for happy sound, minor key for sad). There are "rules in music" that brings familiar themes or emotions that media in general has ingrained into people, so when a game like genshin is trying to create an ost, it's not surprising that a fantasy game will have a soundtrack with sounds suitable for a fantasy game. Also Yu-peng chen is constantly praised for his musical tracks. Who else can mix a traditional Japanese track with fucking trap elements, or traditional Chinese with rock and roll and a gothic choir. I don't think your point stands on this. It's an over simplification that calls fault to genshin for something it has actually excels in

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