Cry for help

It's funny how life works. I was you when I was that age. The same worries. Same scenario. Same problems. As you get older you slowly move past the problems that you're having and you sub-consciously learn to cope or you naturally move past them. Reading this actually makes me feel better. (I know that sounds shitty but bear with me) but when I was your age with those problems, they were all consuming and engulfing to the point where I didn't know how to deal with them and it was all that mattered to me. I've been struggling with depression for a majority of my life and I never really looked back and reflected on how trivial those problems were in retrospect. I had grown past them without even noticing. I burdened the weight of having a full time job and living on my own. Breaking up with girls, watching family die and fall apart. No matter how bad your depression is your mind will cope and you will get stronger whether you like it or not. I guess my point is this: therapy isn't there to solve your problems, use the tools they're giving you to overcome the new problems that take the old ones place. Don't let your problems now take over your life in the future. Learn and live. Don't worry about being an adult either. If you go up to any adult, the ones that are poor or even the ones that have it made, absolutely 100 percent of them would look at you and tell you at one point they had no idea what the fuck they were doing with themselves. There's one day where you look up and you're fucking 25 and people call you sir and you're putting bills in your name and waking up at 9 late for work. All while singing songs with friends and dreaming of a better life the night before hand absolutely drunk. Life changes. You're stuck and ready for the world expecting too much acceptance. Be and do what you want to. Don't be a robot and don't be like anyone else. Let your friends and family be proud of whatever you do, because they will regardless and fuck em if they're not proud. You're going to look back five years from now and not even understand why you feel sad in this moment so wake up everyday knowing your illness does not define you. And last but not least. Good luck.

/r/depression Thread