The toxic nature of r/fallout has me unsubscribing permanently.

Ill never understand people man for years its been, "we want fallout online" and now we got it and we have people throwing tantrums that they cant return it. I go online, and reddit might as well be throwing fucking game stands over too.

Seriously its as pathetic as some guy saying my teams sucks when they when they win the game.

Is this not what you wanted? Really youre so disappointed that the game doesnt give you something to do every 30 seconds rather then 2 minutes. Hell i walk down a street in Fo76 and see manquines standing next to a goverment supply cache. Yeah im in a fallout game. Robots ask me if i wanna join the fire department 25 years after nukes drop? Yeah im in a fallout game.

Idk some people rather complain. Its not perfect. But it's still fallout and i love it

/r/fo76 Thread