Toxic relationship

When you disbelieve the official story every single time, you eventually end up right sometimes.

As well they should. When the mainstream media is a rigid top down organization that exists solely to push fake narratives, random internet people end up right more often than not. I'm not saying "only read 4chan, twitter and weird subreddits", I'm not saying to believe every single thing you read online, just that you should be reading them as a needed counter balance to regular media.

Sorry, but the fact is, for many different stories, the media has not just been wrong but actively mislead people and you could only get the real story from the internet. We're not talking "a few percentage points off", we're talking about actively lying to people.

There are people actively trying to misinform and mislead in order to sway you to their side, because they don't care if you're just an ignorant follower, so long as you follow.

This is literally what the media does. I don't recall any lie as bad "Saddam has WMDs" and the push for us to invade from internet randos.

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