Nioh 2 Reviews Megathread - likely minor spoilers!

I don’t know who, if anyone will see this but I didn’t want to make a new thread about it.

Shibata Katsuie is one of the dumbest, most BS bosses ever created. As we all know, there’s a lot of nonsense in the game so for me to say that means a lot. He’s not even that difficult. This truly is artificial difficulty. I’ll eventually beat him I hope, but I’m close to just giving up on the game altogether. I don’t even feel bad quitting out of the game before he actually kills me because every other time I fight him I get him down to 20 percent health and he just does some dumbass combo or something and I die.

I’m not blaming the game, it’s just beyond frustrating. There’s no reason for him to be as ridiculous as he is.


/r/Nioh Thread