toy guarding (long x-post from r/dogs)

As said, once there are other dogs around I do put it away...unless the other owner is playing fetch with their dog too (and we do not have any problems in such situations)...we've done this heaps of time and he doesn't really care about the other dog then.

I'm merely talking of those situations when we are playing (because no other dog to play with is around) and suddenly either someone joins the dog park from an angle I do have no vision on or some dog just runs up there without any owner around.

As said, the official (!) dog park in my neighbourhood is not (!) fenced and dogs sometimes just bolt in there through the bushes from the nearby paths around.

When I enter the dog park and see someone is playing I tell my boy to wait and give the other owner time to decide to either put the toy away to let their dog play with mine. I don't let him bolt to the other dog/ owner and let him do whatever he wants. If they keep playing fetch I do play fetch as well and it's working perfectly fine that way.

My dog is very playful and has no problems whatsoever with other dogs, he sometimes leaves his toy to go play with them...

We only have problems when other dogs do charge at him to get the toy AND completely are ignoring his body language while doing so...

This doesn't happen very often but it happens more often too ignore I would love to get some advice on how to react in such situations and/ or teach him to be able to share his toy and/ or leave it to my responsibility to get it back.

I even had it a couple of time where dogs were stealing the toy from him and not giving it back, snarling at my dog when approaching to get it back (and he backed off then), not giving it to me and not even giving it to their owners...that's when everything started that he became more protective of his toy (he didn't have any problem with sharing or ignoring the toy when he was younger).

Basically every time he did let other dogs steal the toy from him he hardly ever did get it back (he was still a puppy then, he's 13 months old now).

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