Transactional Sex part 2

To all of those basically saying “it’s your (man’s) fault” without any real justification, or “you’re just bitter”—this proves my point re the double standard. Women complain on here and in life all the of the time about their male partners whether it be claiming the guy is selfish in bed, guy isn’t “good enough” at sex, doesn’t do enough of this that or the other etc. Imagine if the near universal response was that it’s the woman’s fault she can’t orgasm or it’s her fault he doesn’t show her enough attention or she’s just bitter because her husband doesn’t want to fuck her. Essentially, no matter the problem, the woman should quit complaining and suck it up or “do more/better”. The backlash would be unthinkable. But whenever a man “complains” about something that is the exact response on here and in life generally. Women love to say men aren’t entitled to sex but when the situation is reversed they are quick to say that “women have needs too” and if she was to cheat for the same reason are often defended by both men and women saying that it’s once again the man’s fault for not showing her enough attention/having enough sex, etc. and her actions are justified. Why can’t men and women with similar problems be treated similarly?

/r/sex Thread