I tried watching What Is A Woman

For every standard feature of a human being, there are occasional accidents of nature that defy the rule. I already said there are occasional mutations where a person has three chromosomes or a vestigial appendage. This does not violate the sexual binary. It would be akin to saying “we can’t define humans as having two eyes because occasionally a baby is born with cyclopism and we don’t want to offend them”

Scientific research is a continuous process and they often make large mistakes along the way. Phrenology was good, research-backed science 150 years ago. Lobotomies were good, research backed procedures at the start of the 20th century. Cigarettes were “good for your T-zone” as late as the 1950s. Fifty years from now, scientists will look back at the agenda-driven “gender research” that goes on today and laugh at how absurd it was lol

/r/MattWalsh Thread Parent