Triggered by unwanted overshare

I'm so sorry you had to go through that experience. That was a terrible thing for your ex to do and it's completely understandable that you feel violated. It's important to set boundaries for yourself and not let someone else's trauma become your responsibility. It's not fair to expect you to hold their emotional pain, especially when it was done without your consent.

It's important to remember that you are not responsible for your ex's actions, and you did the right thing by ending the relationship. Taking care of yourself is essential, and that means prioritizing your emotional well-being. You can seek support from a therapist or a trusted friend to work through your feelings.

As for your ex, they have a therapist to talk to, and it's important for them to continue getting the help they need. It's not your responsibility to be their therapist, and it's okay to set boundaries with them. You have the right to say no and protect yourself.

Remember that healing takes time, but it is possible. You are not alone in this. Take things one day at a time, and know that you are deserving of love, respect, and kindness.

/r/CPTSD Thread