
I did looked it up before:

The trivium is the lower division of the seven liberal arts and comprises grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Allegory of Grammar and Logic/Dialectic. Perugia, fontana magiore. The trivium is implicit in De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii ("On the Marriage of Philology and Mercury") by Martianus Capella, but the term was not used until the Carolingian Renaissance, when it was coined in imitation of the earlier quadrivium.[2] Grammar, logic, and rhetoric were essential to a classical education, as explained in Plato's dialogues. The three subjects together were denoted by the word trivium during the Middle Ages, but the tradition of first learning those three subjects was established in ancient Greece. Contemporary iterations have taken various forms...

Not a single word about a metal band. They took the name, I took the name aswell. Get over it. They do not own the name. In your words: "This is a learning moment then."

If you want to be a notorious smartass, okay, but then make your homework first. I do not want to be rude, but you are not nice and I have no clue why you want to take this whole discussion into the wrong direction. *insert any insult here*

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