Has TRP ever written about the omega male?

I don't think it's black and white. I'm a loner, but being raised on mass media exhibited Beta traits, ergo I was a beta-loner. RP for me cut that BS out of my life, but I'm still a loner and awkward in that I just can't talk about stuff I'm not interested in. But that doesn't mean I don't exhibit 'alpha' traits. Last night was a good example of RP theory finally presenting in my life. She tried to bail out at the last second probably because my buddy was still with us. I shrugged and went inside to try a booty call which would have been a sure thing. Of course she changed her mind and never left the parking lot before texting me. AWALT/ASD, Abundance, IDGAF, Plate-spinning... RP 'Alpha' theory 101 right? Yay, I'm an Alpha give me a medal. BULLSHIT!!!

I care about myself, but I don't care what other people think about me. I'm not digesting RP to make people like me, I'm doing it to make me like me. I love my job but I'm not here to save the planet or be God's gift to man or woman. I'm just interested in what I do and that someone is willing to pay me to do it. I don't want to lead (Not Alpha). I'll never accept a position of authority in my career, a social group, or over a woman (Not Alpha).

And as for women, I'm not going to be your 'emotional tampon.' I tried to pull it off since Hollywood's Beta message made it seem like that's the thing to do, but I sucked at it. BUT Neither am I going to be some dominating Alpha force in your life, and for me RP truth is accepting that she will branch swing to that Alpha since I am a loner whose self-improvement cuts out negative beta traits which is enticing and alpha-like, but ultimately Not Alpha.

/r/asktrp Thread