True story

Marketing exist, but in order for marketing to work is to have a huge platform to begin with. Jimi Hendrix has only been big for a very very short period of time, while the beatles for yeeeears. Jimi Hendrix rose in a blink of an eye and to say marketing is the reason behind it is pure ignorance. I was born in 1997 that style has died far before my time yet Jimi Hendrix is the only old school musician that I am a fan of. A few songs here and there for other old school artists but an actual fan of Jimi Hendrix and i can guarantee you it has absolutely nothing to do with style. Its very annoying hearing this from people, then again this is Reddit the top platform for all social reject idiots of the internet. I take more from disliked comments than upvoted because youre all crazy brainwashed idiots that i troll the fuck out of. This isnt s troll, more of a blowing steam rant of annoyance,

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