“An enraged carnist killed John Lennon”- some stupid vegan on twitter

Your dog likes food and you represent food, and you give them attention. Because all social animals need attention, even dogs.

Your dog is also alone or maybe has one other dog companion, which also affects him. If you had a group of three or four or more domesticated dogs, they begin to act like a pack and their behavior is entirely different. Right now, you represent the pack so you represent their survival.

So if you had a heart attack and died, your single dog would probably lick your face for hours, trying to wake you up because something's wrong and where are they going to get food and attention from?

But if your dog was one of a group of four or five other dogs that you own, if they saw you seemingly lifeless on the floor, they wouldn't hesitate to eat your face off. Truth.


/r/beatles Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com