Trump administration makes plans to make launches easier for private sector

I don't expect that nationalization down the line is likely, especially considering we're well past the point where even breaking up monopolies is politically viable.

It sounds like we probably share a similar political viewpoint. Let me just say that the political winds can shift rapidly, more rapidly than anyone expected. Americans, especially, should recognize this after 2016: political climates can change rapidly, even regimes, even entire government structures. I'm generally pretty pessimistic about U.S. governments but it's quite possible, even likely, that we'll see this situation change significantly within our lifetimes.

Of course, it's also possible we'll see it get much much worse. Even likely. It's hard to say, in the chaos of this historical moment. But chaos has the silver lining of opportunity for substantial change.

Now it just comes across as rich guys playing with their toys. Companies angling to corner future markets in space. Preparing to mine asteroids so that we can sell trinkets rather than for the public good.

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