Please critique my profile. 34/M, not shy, almost no success. I know perhaps I should change the lead pic, based on your guidelines.

Yep. Pictures are what matter most, meaning your lead picture is the #1 most important thing and it's dreadful. On top of which, choose one out of your music pictures and one of your cosplay pictures. I suggest the body shot of you playing bass. As far as the cosplay pictures, frankly, both are actually bad and blurry.

Your profile isn't very good, mostly just boring. Your main focus needs to be on getting better pictures. However...

I've been called "sweet," "funny," and "a wealth of information," and that I "have a lot of love to give."

So has everybody else. Using adjectives to describe you is a terrible way to do it. Show, don't tell.

Frankly, "show, don't tell" could be said about just about every section. What activsim are you currently taking part in? Where/why (why as in, like, critical mass?) do you ride your bike?

Hearing music that really, finally spoke to me.

You give a lot of love for music in your profile, without actually going into what except one Bad Religion reference (which I'll get to later). Again, show, don't tell. What kind of music changed you?

Besides my day job:

Which is....?

Almost every time I speak about foreign policy and related topics these days, I make a big (positive) impression on people.


In no particular order, here are three/four fictional characters I would date, assuming we were at compatible ages.

This made me cringe hardcore, to be frank. You're talking about dating fictional characters on a dating website where you're trying to sell yourself...shows a poor grasp of reality and self awareness.

My childhood, and the rest of my past, present, and future. My career path, my music, and lots of political and ideological matters, international and otherwise. Stories I'd like to tell.

Show, don't tell

Relaxing, cycling, writing, thinking, maybe making music. Of course, I'd like to be on a date, which brings me here!

Show, don't tell.

you would rather hang out backstage with Bad Religion than with [insert oafish, bro-ey musicians here]

So this is pretentious and your negative attitude and aggressive language does not reflect well. If you spend time trying to sell yourself by hating on other people, why in the world would someone want to go out with you? Everything else is boring, this is a red flag.

... you understand and uphold Moff's Law, though at the same time, you realize that fiction is really not that important in the grand scheme of things. ... you want to hear about the time American University Students for Israel threatened me with arrest.

More just pretentiousness. The arrest thing could be a good story on there, but you have to present it right.

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