Trump is Literally Hitler guys! Im Literally shaking!

Too bad no one outside the SJW bubble really feels sad for them, not even other Latinos. This isn't like the Jews getting rounded up in Auschwitz or the Japs getting rounded up in America. This is something that Obama and others have been doing for years. These people, whether Mexican, Guatemalan, etc who came into our country literally pissed on our laws as their first action in America. I mean, what? At some point, they decided to take this risk. The ones getting separated from their families are the ones at fault because they knew this could happen.

Now, I can see why Mexicans do it. I can sympathize with them on some level. Mexico is the wild west with violence, corruption, and poverty out the ass. There is no consideration for the common citizen and only the rich have power there. But just because you come from a nightmarish place, doesn't mean we have to save you. Or worse, that you can come into our territory and be an illegal for a lifetime.

And this is directed at ALL illegals. I do feel bad that the Mexicans are the poster-children for illegal immigration and that's all they mean to most Americans, whether they're actually illegal or not. Yet we have so many illegals of European and Asian descent who came in over the decades while everyone points fingers at the labor-driven Mexican. But NOT ONE WORD has been said by Trump or his base about how we'll stop the white and Asian illegals that fly/sail into our country. We just want to take care for the brown ones next door who steal our jobs, raise our taxes and contribute to the ever growing Latino population. Despite that, it's time to close the border, enforce it, and let Mexico own up to it.

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