Trump has suspended the Jones Act.

As an actual Mariner, the Jones Act only requires

This is an outrage.

The Jones Act makes it more expensive for us private citizens and organizations to help in that fashion.

Not just that, Jones Act shippers are lobbying aggressively and getting interviewed in the press, which is not covering them critically. Jones Act shippers are part of a criminal cartel that fixes extortionate shipping rates to Puerto Rico and other destinations.

/u/MrchntMariner86 and his cohorts part of a criminal cartel that fixes extortionate shipping rates to Puerto Rico and other destinations.

These criminal motherfuckers are getting favorable press today, at the expense of Jones Act opponents.

They're fucking killing us. And they're winning. And the US press is helping them.

A criminal Mariner. We thought pirates were bad. Just look at you. You're probably part of a union that supports th Jones act or support it yourself so you can maintain a living union wage.

How fucking dare you? This is an outrage.

We should be using Chinese flagged vessels using Chinese labor on ships maintained at Chinese ports to move Chinese made items between US ports. It is the only answer that makes any sense. If it isn't the cheapest possible option using the cheapest possible labor paid the least they would accept, it is fucking killing them. Just like murder.

The greed of the Jones act is causing human suffering. Why won't these people just accept foreign competition and lower wages with no benefits? Haven't we suffered enough for their middle glass greed?

/r/PuertoRico Thread Parent