DAE think the election of Bernie Sanders as POTUS is the best hope for the Puerto Rico?


Do you even know what a Ponzi scheme is hommie ?

Let me tell you a little....its about people putting money and then HOPING its their turn to cash out and recieve whatever money or something like that....like BROOOOO did you not read my formula hahahhaa you are very weird..... it LITERALLY says CROWDFUND you IDIOT !!!!

So basically YOU also think that GOFUNDME is a ponzi right hahaha

Or also you think that Kickster is a ponzi ?

How about Patreon you also go on their community and call them a Ponzi ???

So a Charities are Ponzi ?

So basically the LOTTERY is a Ponzi scheme according to your logic ? Because people in the lottery put money and HOPE to get something...

Bro...learn what CROWDFUNDING is so canto bobolon.

Crowdfunding means...people, who share a passion for the SAME goal unite, join a group and purchase or build something.....something that THEY all WILLINGLY agreed and wanted to be a part of.

Ok, I will put it to you simple so you dont go making an ass of yourself lol

PONZI .....If we all put money and all actually have this Mentality of....man I cant wait my turn to get MONEYYYY lol

GAMBLING... we all put money and we all PRAY to la bendicion de Dios lol

CHARITIES.....we all put money and HOPE they do the right thing....tell me ONE Charitie that you know has done better than MY idea on other comment ? Shitt Charities if you dont know keep 77% of EVERY dollar donated hahahah

CROWDFUND....... a goal is posted CLEARLY posted goal....example...lets Crowdfund to make a person in Puerto Rico have a PAID house PAID education and PAID new car...why...because this creates the financial & stress freedom needed to create more loving Puerto Rican people because we are setting them free 1 at a time by offering this Package that cost 100,000 CASH...the idea is that on the long run offering families these blessing of shelter, education and transportation THEY then try be better humans in Puerto Rico.

So basically.....since it CLEARLY posted that its a CROWDFUND and that also stands for DONATION they are the same because YOU give from the Bottom of YOUR heart and expect NOTHING in return EXCEPT for the goal of the Crowdfund to be completed. See how Crowdfunding is NOT Ponzi !!

Dont be THAT dude, I know my ideas are weird and stoopid sometimes BUT they lead to 1 thing and thats the EMPOWERMENT of Puerto Ricans !!!!

/r/PuertoRico Thread Parent