Trying to get my friends to play again, what has been changed since 2 weeks after launch?

  • Barrles have fuse you can lit to make them explode. You can put the fuse down to make the timer stop

  • Skeletones with gundpower in their hand spawn and explode when they get near you

  • Eye of the reach skeletones have been added

  • You can hand over resources to other players

  • Higer lvl voyages have higer chance of getting you more valuable rewards

  • New Bilge Rat "faction" that rewards you doubloons for completing mini event like challanges

  • Doubloons allow to buy limited time customization/gold or whole levels in other faction progression

  • Tattoos/scars/hair color can be customised in game

  • Skullforts are shorter and have less loot

  • Boats respawn further away after you sink them - think this might be broken since the last patch

  • Alliance system(Turn in crew gets 100% of gold and rep other crews in alliance get 50% of both)

  • Legend/Ghost dress have been added to the game

  • Flags as next form of boat customization have been added into the game

  • Speaking trumpet that allows your voice to go over larger distance to communicate with other crews

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