Trying to quit smoking

Get a vape, and either let a friend borrow all your smoking stuff or get rid of it. I went from ounces a month to barely quarters, not to mention you have AVB to hold you over if you run out. Most importantly, don't get high just because you're bored, use it as something to look forward to. I currently vape: 1 fresh trench in the morning, half of it later, then later in the night I do another trench depending on if I feel like it or not. Sometimes I get by on just one trench a day.

You also should not have the goal of getting stupid high because you're just escaping from reality at that point. You have to remain IN reality if you want to keep your spirits up. At the end of the day when you smoke hella, sure you felt good but then you realize all that money just flew away and you're left with an odd feeling. With vaping, I have more peace of mind because at the end of the day, let's say I vape .2, I get halfs for 60, that's less than 5 dollars a gram. So, the fifth of that gram that I use daily is less than a dollar. AND I still have it for edibles! Hell, you could reward yourself with smoking just AVB if you miss the smoking experience, just don't fall off the wagon.

Lastly, if you're like me and smoke hella with your buds, you either gotta tell them you're done completely or tell them it's vape only for their hits (unfortunately my vape of choice is highly personal so I often don't hang out with big groups like I used to, it's just how it goes.) I could easily smoke halfs in a day and a half with my pals, and that was just stupid cause we weren't even getting as high as we'd like cause we all have tolerances (not for me anymore, my tolerance is lower than my floor) so we're sitting there mildly satiated with a big dent in our pockets and regret in our head at the end of the chill sesh.

If you ever need any help or anything, if you fall off the wagon or anything, let me know man, just message me and I'll do my best to help you, because I was in your position, and I can say I'm much happier since I gave up smoking.

/r/trees Thread