Tuesday Off Topic Thread December 29, 2020

Ya'll I FINALLY left my boyfriend of five years and I feel so...relived tbh. I'm going through waves of happiness, sadness, and anger but I'll get there. He asked my dad to marry me in June and still hadn't popped the question and then on Christmas he gave me a really nice, expensive diamond bracelet and asked me to go parade around and show it off to his family. It felt like a punch in the stomach like I was holding back tears while saying ohh look how beautiful. I just knew in that moment it was over. We had a slew of other problems and honestly that bracelet was a blessing in disguise that king of opened my eyes to this shell of a person I had become and how unhappy I was in my life. Like I know I didn't want to marry him I just wanted that happy ending so badly. It's been four days and I feel better and better every day. I just got a really big promotion at work and I'm looking at apartments and I am just so excited for the new year!

/r/thebachelor Thread