Tumblr plays bingo.

Comparing the website tumblr to being oversensitive is like comparing reddit as a website filled with brogressives.

To eloborate on the word brogressive:

Brogressivism= bastardized elements from liberalism, conservatism and libertarianism.

Liberalism: Tax the rich for free healthcare, GMO's/monsanto are literally poison, we should have a $15 minimum wage, religion should be challenged , "basic income"(ie: welfare in all but name only). The "99%" should pay less taxes.

Conservatism: Black people shouldn't be legally discriminated against aka Jim Crow but policing of those communities make sense because statistics aren't racist and affirmative action is totally why they didn't get into Yale and slavery was so long ago blacks should get over it. Gay marriage is fine but those flamboyant queens and gay pride parades "hurt the cause." and they shouldn't shove their darn sexuality on my face!!

Women are equal but really they're irrational and not as good at STEM because biotruths and feminism is killing men. If they sleep around, they are sluts but if man does it, score! Wait, there is a picture of a girl on the sub I subscribe to? /r/UpvotedBecauseGirl !!

Libertarianism: Drugs and guns should be 100% legal with no limits whatsoever. We should have a social safety net but poor people should only be eating ramen and shouldn't have a cell phone and single mothers use child support checks from innocent men (who should be able to legally abandon their children) to party and ruin America.

Free speech should be absolute in both the public and private spheres but the doxxing of violentacrez and banning of fatpeoplehate was the lowest moment in Reddit's history.

Misc: Any perceived inconvenience against me requires the opposite reaction, Ex: Airport security??? Screw it!!! I'd rather have the threat of my plane being blown up then be "groped" by the TSA!!!, Women are raped??? BUT WHY WONT PEOPLE CARE ABOUT THE FALSE RAPE CLAIMS!!!. Minorities/gays/women complain about bad words??? Why are they so offended?? Has Political correctness gone too far in this country!!!Now listen to me quote this really great line from Bill Burr and Louis CK and tell you why you are wrong!! But if you ever, ever make fun about white people, you are the true racist!

The legalization of marijuana and taxing corporations and banks are about the only truly progressive beliefs Reddit collectively holds.

/r/videos Thread Link - youtu.be