Turkish player Aykut Demir refused to wear the 'NO TO WAR' t-shirt as he believes that thousands of people are dying every day in the Middle East & they’re being ignored by the whole world

No, they're entirely different and have literally no similarities at all. Palestine invaded Israel first, they were the initial aggressor. And ever since the only ones to come to bargaining table with reasonable resolution offers are Israel. Propaganda from Palestine - they literally tell their people to die as martyrs for the cause and instigate by shooting rockets they know won't do TOO much damage to prompt a response - has enabled them to win the propaganda war. But don't be fooled, Palestine is a country where until 2019 a woman had to marry her rapist, this is still the case in the West bank. Palestinians are so hard to deal with even their former allies want nothing more to do with them, and Egypt also walls them off from their country. Palestine when given the West bank immediately took the chance to elect internationally recognized terrorists as their leaders. Palestine hold Neo-Nazi rallies complete with the Nazi salute in their most prestigious university.

Palestine broadcasts themselves as victims, the reality is they live longer lives than almost any Arab people, are a fast growing population and their only actual threat is obesity.

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