Why is the turnaround time so long in this game

QoL improvement have been added, just not the the ones you listed.

I'm sure they'll get around to it eventually, for a game you don't have to pay to play on the servers, you have to expect little to no dev support after the initial purchase. I mean be happy with just being able to play the game right?

This is how the modern PC gaming is going, we all pre order half finished games, then when they're finally released we suffer a week or two of authentication logging issues because they did not cough up the cash to meet demand for the game, then we have another month or three of hotfixes for bugs they didn't find during closed/open beta and then you have the nerfs or as devs like to sugar coat it "balance passes" for the next year.

Then comes the carrot on a stick to keep you playing longer, or as the devs like to call it an "expansion" for the cash grab with an artificial gear reset because of a 10 level increase and a new zone with new mob types and here we are still fighting the same uphill struggle as we was at release, except this time we have different problems with the game we all love to play.

Blizzard are a company who wants to make money, for the life of me I cannot figure out why they have not implemented the pay 2 play features they put into the China D3. I mean we all want extra stash space and I'm sure there is plenty of people who would buy vanity pets/cosmetic items and you're damn sure the elitists will buy all the XP/hour consumables.

Boggles the mind how they still manage to mess up a game that had a lot more potential. I mean they chose to make it a 4player max game, when they could have made it a proper MMO with player lobbies, PVP zones, PvE raids you name it they could have done it but no, they chose this route. Unfortunately if you don't like it, the door is that --> way. Marvel heroes 2015, PoE, and any other action RPG is there for your money/time.

/drunk rant.

/r/Diablo Thread