4 Gel Tabs and some DMT down the hatch

I understand that morbid curiosity I guess. Topix.com was a site full of gossip about people and I’d get on there from time to time.

One time I was “That hot guy in town installing surveillance cameras at the gas station.”

I was flattered but it was probably just my mom trying to make me feel good about myself haha.

That shit got brutal from time to time though.

“Who is the biggest hoe in zip code 01010? I wanna get some easy ass. Y’all know who to try, tell me. Was it any good?” “John Smith in the house across from the store sells heroin to teenagers!” “John Smith who lives behind the garage is a baby rapper!”

It was always bullshit too. I’m glad they finally shut that shit down. People can be so disgusting.

When my ex was cheating I posted, “Jon Smit from behind post office, wut ever happen to that guy?” Lol. I was hoping someone would say, “oh he’s fucking Jane Doe, poor angryseal ain’t got a clue.” So could be like, “See beeyat-ch, everyone knows!”


Edit: Got removed for a “derogatory slur”. Automods are fucking useless. Jesus Christ. Had to change the shit above so it wouldn’t needlessly be detected as derogatory.

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