Turtle Doves - Batch 6 from David

I'm so glad I haven't pulled the trigger on david's or zz or mariner's 350's. And now this 6th batch? 6 batches to get a shoe right? Which basically means they know they've messed up 5 times and now here's the 6th fuck up.

I just think they cost too much. They have not gotten them right. Therefore, they're not worth paying close to retail or retail prices. Especially if they're not right.

If they're not perfect 1:1 replicas, why are we paying close to retail prices for them? They don't have real boost, the patterns are off, and the materials are off.

Adidas spent money researching, designing, and marketing these shoes which is why they cost 200+ dollars. I'm willing to pay 200+ to adidas/kanye because I want to support them and I want them to make more dope shit.

These chinese manufacturers are just copying the work of others (poorly) and they expect to get paid the same amount as Adidas/Kanye. They are taking advantage of this community and they are taking advantage of the environment that resellers have created. (Although, I'm not mad at resellers because you can't get mad at a hustler because they got that hustle.)

Sure these replica manufacturers will call you "friend" and they'll send you smiley face emoticons but they are robbing us blind and they know it.

Honestly, I think this whole community should stop paying these high prices if the shoes are still questionable. If they induce any sense of anxiety, if you think you might get called out, there's no reason to pay 200 dollars for these. Believe me they cost waaaaayyyy less to make. I live in a 3rd world country.

If they were cheaper, then maybe. If they were better made, then yes. But the fact that they keep coming up with new batches that keep "improving" goes to show they don't give a shit about putting out a good product. They just care about making something good enough that you'll be comfortable giving 200 bucks because it beats spending 1500 on eBay. Stop this insanity.

/r/Repsneakers Thread Link - imgur.com