Two rude woman - Part 2 (Please don't post xenophobic comment)

The quality of the recording is very bad. It's hard to hear everything. I'm missing out on a lot, especially the part near the start, which is probably quite important. The woman also speaks in dialect om occasion, which is probably why I can't understand everything she says

Woman: I ["live below you?" I think, hard to hear] what is it?

Man: [inaudible]

Policeman: [Either "Please calm down" or "Can I ask you some question"]

Woman: No. This is my home. I [inaudible] wait for me downstairs [inaudible] he [does something] everyday.

Policeman: First, you [cut off by the woman]

Woman: (loudly) This is sexual harassment!

Policeman: Please clam down

Woman: I want to talk to him. You don't talk. I've already [inaudible] (in English) office, okay?

Second woman, from behind the camera: Today he told me he's going to let me go? I will call his office to complain.

Policeman: If you want to complain about him, you can do that

Second woman: Today he said to me (in English, quoting) "Fuck you till the end of the world"

First woman: (To man) Go and die, why do you live so long? (To policeman) Everyday he sexually harasses the two of us.

Policeman: Can we talk downstairs?

Woman: No, you do not talk to me in that attitude. What is your surname?

Policeman: My name is here [points to name tag on uniform]

Woman: Write it down for me

[Policeman repeats his last line and points again]

Woman: [something in dialect]

One of the woman: Take his picture

Policeman: It's fine for you to take pictures

Woman: I know where I can complain

Policeman: Okay, okay

Woman: (Phone in hand) Don't hide. Which police station are you from?

Policeman: From around Changi

Woman: Changi, huh. Give me the specific address

Policeman: So you two are [going] there now?

Woman: I'll accompany you to your police station (repeated twice)

Policeman: If you want to go there to make a report, there's no problem with that

Woman: I also want to complain

Policeman: (continuing) [inaudible]

Woman: You know he's at fault, why are you playing these games?

Policeman: We're stand in the middle (being neutral)

Woman: What do you mean stand in the middle? What is this attitude you have?

Policeman: [inaudible]

Second woman: Now because of you police's attitude he harasses us every day, (voice breaking) do you know that?

Policeman: We wanted to come up here to understand the situation

First woman: How could you not understand?

Second woman: (pointing) [something] now he thinks he's so strong [expression: in the right, good] that he can come and scold us

Policeman: [inaudible]

First woman: Don't talk anymore, you're going with us to the station

Policeman: If you're going the station is near Simei

Second woman: We're going there now

Policeman: It's fine for you to go there

First woman: We're going to the station to complain. (loudly) This is too much! [something in dialect] This is too much!

(walks away)

(in English) thick skin

(walks towards man) That's not what you said! That's what [inaudible, some person's name] said when you don't let me live [inaudible]. What [kind of person] are you? You're just a guard dog.

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