(TX) Busybody neighbor called in a "burglary in progress" when she saw my sons (14 and 9) sneaking out at night.


I don't bitch at my neighbors for parking in my owned spot, or for parking work vehicles in the complex lot (not allowed), or for putting their remodeling debris in the dumpster (not allowed), or for having all sorts of old junk piled on their patios or balconies, or at the military guy with the very loud sports car for revving his engine late at night, or at any of the old biddies who don't clean up after their little yappy dogs who poop in the area designated for kids to play. I keep my kids out of the pool when the old men are swimming their daily laps, and we never host parties at the clubhouse for non-residents, although the older people have their club meetings in the clubhouse on a regular basis (lots of cars parked where they aren't supposed to park).

My boys carry in the groceries for the old ladies above and beside us, AND take out the trash for the hoarder who lives above us as she had hip surgery recently. We also pick up after her dog because she can't get up and down the stairs so many times a day with the dog. If we see the dog outside (supposed to be on a leash), we take the dog to her door and make sure she gets inside safely. We keep an eye on the really old one beside us because we know her kids don't visit or call very often.

I have two boys in special ed, with the older one having multiple problems including a sensory integration problem (the hoodie is part of his defense system against too much stimuli), the dysgraphia and ADHD. I work from home, at half my previous earnings, so I am home all day, every day, and home when the boys get home. I took the older one to intensive occupational therapy when he was young, and a year of intensive therapy from age 12.5 to 13.5 to keep him on a good track. He's in advanced classes (with the inclusion teacher to make sure he gets his assignments) as he's formally a genius, but a genius with issues that primarily means he spends most of his time at home, inside, where I can see him! He is always complemented on being so polite and well behaved at school and anywhere else he goes! I am either on the phone, texting, or emailing with one or both of their schools, the special ed teachers, the principals, the regular teachers, the social worker for the district, or other support staff at least once a week, sometimes daily, to make sure they stay in-line and on track.

The busybody neighbor doesn't like him because she's a tight ass bitch who thinks her experiencing raising two normal girls trumps my experience raising two boys with problems THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH BAD PARENTING, but a lot to do with problems during birth.

They snuck out to go get a sprite at the corner store. Jesus that makes me a bad parent.

So, screw all ya'll.

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