Imagine if this person became president.

A curious thing to notice is the very specific term "BioLab" that's being thrown around. I haven't heard anyone use the term "weapon" or anything.

Places that make antibiotics and insulin are BioLabs.

If these are supposedly labs where biological weapons are being researched or created, then why isn't anyone calling them "bio weapon labs"?

It seems suspicious that such a careful term like "BioLabs" is being used, like it's meant to cause others to think "bio weapons" without the pushers actually saying "bio weapons", so it's still technically true that labs are located in certain places, even if the lab is only producing actual medicines.

Something fucky is going on with how that information is being presented. If they want us to know there are bio weapons being developed in some place, why aren't they using the phrase "bio weapons"?

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