/u/AWildSketchAppeared's sketch from today is incredible.

I get that it's supposed to be about freedom of speech but I don't know man, at the end of the day it's just like coming here and seeing people insult you over and over again. I don't get what it accomplishes.

Mostly it's because people are tired of fairy tales with no proof justifying murder of people who contribute just as equally to a modern society as anyone else and don't deserve to die.

Between you and me--we can debate all day. Here's a thought experiment: let's just all forget about "god" at the same time, and then if he cared that we knew about him he'd probably come back again; but this time not to a bunch of cavemen...Instead, it would be an enlightened society capable of understanding greater truths and unified into one single belief--not this stupid remnant medieval killing spree people in the modern day still do--if god exists that is. Which I believe he doesn't. But if he does, this time around we'd have a bunch of people with selfies of them with the big guy, right? There's no debating what he'd actually want from us, there are no factions, there are in fact no religions anymore! There is just truth.

To be honest I forgot about god years ago, and he never reminded me that I needed to know him. Instead, the action only opened my eyes to how pointless it really is to let emotion, belief, fiction, and hate control your life; how extremists improperly call a "belief" of theirs a "fact;" and how religion as a whole does nothing but slow down the progression of mankind. It's inevitable that a thousand years from now all major religions will be replaced by anything else. Replaced by whatever advances modern man finds. Already it's in a steep decline and we've barely scratched the surface of the information age (a few decades!).

So to answer you question; the difference between me and a radical religious extremist is that while in my mind based on observable truths, logic and reasoning, I therefore respect that we have differing opinions. I like that we have differing opinions, and I like learning from people who believe things differently from me. Even religious folk. Their stories might sound made up and silly to me, but they're just as good as any Marvel movie; tales of heroes, morality, and inspiring in a fictitious sense. And as someone who doesn't believe in god, you don't fucking see me arming myself up to storm your church/mosque to eliminate infidels who disagree with my non-religiousness.

That's why more people daily grow apart from and just do not like religion anymore. And also the average person will lump you into whatever image the worst of your apples associates your religion with--because a few people of your religion lumped a bunch of innocent non-muslims into a group that deserved to be murdered just the same.

If that makes sense?

/r/bestof Thread Link - np.reddit.com